Interview of Professor Yves Rocard

Interview of Professor Yves Rocard "How doubt that man is a being magnetic? "Jean-Pierre Perraud met Professor Yves Rocard three times entre1984 and 1989. He kindly collect the notes taken during these interviews and synthesize it in the form of the interview follows

He kindly collect the notes taken during these interviews and synthesize it in the form of the interview follows. This is a posthumous publication of remarks made by Professor during his lifetime. As we shall see, the professor déclarationsdu, which are cut by various books and articles he published in his lifetime, are an unqualified scientific validation of magnetism. Jean-PierrePerraud - You expected to be retired to take a public stand on phenomena that equally controversial sourcellerie, dowsing and magnetism, which "establishment" Science has always thrown anathema and described as quackery and obscurantism. Why? Yves Rocard - You know the Latin phrase: Is modus in rebus, which means "there is a measure in things." Excess in anything is a defect. The electromagnetism is a phenomenon well known to physicists. The electromagnetic forces are everywhere, they are the gravitational fields induce that regulate the conduct of the planets but also that of electrons. No space objects from largest to smallest, escapes the law of the attractionrépulsion, basic principle of electromagnetism. In addition, the man, discovering, there are nearly 3000 years, natural magnets, laid, certainly empirically and approximate the basic laws of electromagnetism. The Greeks knew the natural magnets. These minerals they found in the region of Magnesia and whose main component was magnetite, Fe3 O4 (iron oxide). We now know that magnetite is present in the form of trace elements in all living beings, including plants. Lucretius described in De Rerum Natura properties attractive and repulsive magnets and Pliny the Elder attached to their effects superstitious belief, of divine origin and believed they could cure. Did you know that the first application of the magnet to the compass is generally attributed to the Chinese? Towards the year 1200 AD was described made a compass needle through magnetized iron. In his famous De Magnete, William Gilbert, in 1600, describes how to enhance the attraction of magnets with their noses polar surface soft-iron. It was not until 1820 and the famous Ørsted experience to create a magnetic field using an electric current. Jean-Pierre Perraud - What you say magnetism is known of many. The properties of magnets and electromagnetic forces are taught in schools. Nobody challenges the electromagnetic phenomenon and the physical law that describes. However, as you know, professor, most scientists reject that man also has properties and electromagnetic powers. In short, they reject that man can be magnetic. Yves Rocard - Contrary to what you say, few scientists know that cells of human beings contain magnetite crystals, which was highlighted by two American biologists, doctors and Kirschvink Gould. I myself met Gould and Kirschvink and read their work. Their discovery is staggering: they found in the brain and neck pigeons, in the head whales, killer whales, dolphins but also on the belly of bees and most insects, small crystals of magnetite and Silicon each worth one-tenth of micro-cube. As for humans, English biologist Baker has identified in his home in dissecting corpses and reducing them to ashes, small clusters of magnetite. He even managed to locate in humans in the arcades sourcilières and joints. These findings are indisputable. They were made by real biologists with real microscopes. In addition it opens the scope of testing and knowledge of phenomena that some wrongly call "paranormal" and other "Pataphysique, even medieval witchcraft. The organic magnetism is now a proven scientific fact. The work of Gould and Kirschvink and Baker have lifted any doubt and suspicion on this subject. Jean-Pierre Perraud - How magnetite crystals and silicon can induce magnetic fields within an organization? Yves Rocard - must first understand and accept that if we have all of these crystals, we did not, alas, in equal quantities. Some individuals have a quantity of ferromagnétite above average. You can tell that they are magnetic, dowsers, dowsers. Regardless of the name. But it is indisputable that they have the ability to receive or deliver an electromagnetic field. I have followed many dowsers, I saw them operate. Their power is real. I wrote that the dowsers, before finding water, first detected the magnetic potential difference between a soil that contains water and who do not. The dowser is very sensitive to this imbalance magnetic pendulum will turn his or her hazel rod far left or far right. The dowsers are rarely wrong and they give indications on the nature of soil and water they contain is accurate nine times out of ten. I checked myself as I check the power of magnetic mummification on fruit or raw meat which is dry in a few days. As silicon, I do anything you say it is, after oxygen, the most prevalent on the surface of the Earth. Everyone mineral contains silicon. The silicon has enabled the development of the fundamental laws of crystallography, whose many applications have led to dramatic scientific advances in fields as diverse as molecular biochemistry, medicine, telecommunications, lasers, computers, etc.. Gould and Kirschvink found that the A. D.N. crystallized still ferromagnétite and silicon. This discovery is critical because it applies to living, biological in general. The organic link that connects to the living mineral, vegetable and human, is perfectly prepared. Jean-Pierre Perraud - What reports do you see between the three kingdoms, mineral, vegetable and animal magnetism? Yves Rocard - Without ferromagnétite and silicon, the Earth is a planet and dead silent. Why? Simply because ferromagnétite and silicon are the catalysts that have, such as oxygen and hydrogen, presided over the emergence of life on Earth. Electromagnetic fields are generating energy and energy is the vital force that animates, I said, planets and electrons but also the cells. We pay tribute to two great scientists, Louis-Claude Vincent and the Nobel Prize Fröhlich. They both showed the dielectric and electromagnetic properties of the cells. Louis-Claude Vincent, for his work on the pH and rH, explained how to create an electromagnetic field within the cell by self-electrolysis serums intra and extra-cellular. On the one hand, alkali cations, on the other anions acids that create a potential difference on the surface of cell membranes generating a surplus of potassium ions producing electromagnetically charged electrons. Fröhlich, meanwhile, showed the dipole properties of cell membranes that are able to develop an electric double layer on the surface, reflecting an intensive field of 100,000 volts per cm. How then doubt that the man should be electric and magnetic biophysicists since the show? The structural and ties that unite the organic silicon ferromagnétite are explained in the properties and the simultaneous activity of these two minerals. The ferromagnétite deliver an electromagnetic field energy, silicon crystals pick up this electromagnetic field, the channel, convert and distribute, with good frequencies used, devices or systems that use biological then according to their needs. Modern biology has shown that human beings are made up of millions of crystalline networks: hydrolymphatique system, bone system, cellular system, and so on. While the cellular system and A. D.N. which consists crystallizes, I have said, silicon and ferromagnétite. The silicon cell acts as a receiver of electromagnetic waves emitted by cell ferromagnétite it transforms, adapts and then transmits the cells as energy or information, which is the same thing.
Jean-Pierre Perraud - Do you, Professor, there are dowsers lines of magnetic and dowsers, as there are lines of artists, doctors or lawyers? Yves Rocard - You know, the magnetic sense is like the musical meaning. A musician will always express his art. I think it's just the same thing in individuals who have a sense magnetic or magnetic donation. Yet it is not altogether inappropriate to talk about donation or magnetic dowsing. I told you that I have seen magnetic mummified fruit, meat or fish. So many things I can not do well after the tests. Similarly, I saw several pendulum dowsers look for missing persons, from pictures or objects that belonged to them, send them to locate in an area of great precision. You know that the police often works with dowsers. Call the Ministry of Interior, you will be surprised ... As for the transmission of the gift of parents to children, there are actually families of dowsers and healers. One member, male or female, has the sense magnetic and forward down that very early, has provisions natural and so on. This has always been the case since the dawn of time. Indeed was proclaimed sorcerer or head of the tribe who was best able to predict what was good or bad for the tribe. You know that aristocrats and the kings of France, since the Merovingian era, were elected, they were able to heal How then doubt that the man should be electric and magnetic biophysicists since the show? écrouelles only by the laying on of hands and touch, as do the magnetic today. It is said that Louis XIV was the last king of France to undergo testing écrouelles. Giscard d'Estaing would have been well advised to restore écrouelles, perhaps its magnetic sense would have been better than his political acumen and musical especially when he plays the accordion. Jean-Pierre Perraud - You think therefore the power to heal the healers? Yves Rocard - Healers obviously continue to heal what they have always healed the zonas, warts, burns, some eczema, certain skin diseases, pain and most functional and nervous disorders. As for infectious diseases and cancer, they do not qualify for the magnetic therapy, although sometimes it can relieve them. The magnetic fields it emits are not powerful enough. Moreover, apart from the famous machine Priore - a électrophysicien Bordeaux - little experience in France were made on the therapeutic magnetic waves. Priore has paid a high price for trying to interfere with medicine and therapy. Scientists and the College of Physicians him fell on the hair. Priore and his machine have disappeared. It is true that it happened just after the war, when announcing the reign of chemistry everywhere. I am firmly convinced that Priore discovered properties of electromagnetic waves in the field of therapy. Great scientists like Alfred Kastler and Pantrezel English biologist, who followed in his experiments Priore, were convinced. And why could it be otherwise since we now know that electromagnetic waves are capable of producing those who receive or suffer too long malignant tumors, heart disease or nerve, even crises of hysteria? Pass still television and small appliances but the problem is another serious with transformers and power lines that create a phenomenon known as corona. The corona begins near power lines, ie from 400 to 000 volts. Such power creates magnetic fields that ionize the air within a radius of several hundred meters to create unrest, malaise, and in some cases, fatal diseases. E.D.F. is aware of these side effects of power lines but has so far never taken measures to neutralize them. Electromagnetic waves are like radio-active: in small doses they stimulate and care; high and high doses, they kill. Jean-Pierre Perraud - What future do you see for magnetism in France? Yves Rocard - You know, magnetism and magnetic survive, and the dowsers and dowsers. If science could explain everything and medicine, cure all, we would because of magnetism and "sensors" but waves - and so much better - this is not the case. 30 years ago, when I became interested in dowsers who, in fact, dowsers, and magnetic, fellow scientists thought that senescence earned me but you see that I still have good right foot eye and I answer your questions. The magnetic and dowsers exist because they get results. They will exist as long as they continue to get these results. Jean-Pierre Perraud - Professor, how the particle physicist, rational mind known worldwide for his work on the atomic bomb that you have been able to find, overnight in the camp of spiritualists? Is there not something contradictory? Yves Rocard - Look, the only revelations that I had in my life I was given by the logic and understanding, two faculties which enabled me to understand phenomena as complex and tenuous as particle physics or general laws of electromagnetism. Nothing in this divine, or even spiritual. As for the power dowsers and magnetic, I think I have answered your questions rationally. Jean-Pierre Perraud - And God in all this? Yves Rocard (with a smile) - Certainly the physical law of all the great physical or dowser.

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