SELENIT HEART(65 gr/5.5 cm)





Size: 5.5 cm (approximately)
Weight: 65 grams (approx.)
Chakra: 7th (skull)
Chemical properties: CaSO2.2H2O

is part of the selenite group évaporties, ie, gypsum (same family as alabaster or pink sands).
its chemical composition: hydrosulfate calcium.
selenite is a variety of crystallization of gypsum which was formed 40 million years ago.
selenite blocks are harvested in the Moroccan Atlas, and shaped by craftsmen.
Why this name?
for his moonlight.

name  in honor of Selene, the moon goddess in Greek mythology.
Indeed, in Greek mythology, Selene is a beautiful woman with a face pale or white, dressed in long flowing dresses and white or silver on a crescent moon turned on its head.
selenite is the natural version of the optical fiber.
Indeed, if one has a light source at one end of a block of selenite, the light is returned to the other end.
block and these are unique;
is an excellent receiver telepathic!
well, hope you can enjoy your turn as this stone, if changing reflections in the light so special.