6th Chakra

6th Chakra


Means KNOW, DIRECTING RECEIVE or "in Sanskrit. It also appoints the chakra of the third eye chakra front chakra command, look internally.
It is located at the front, on top of a triangle, whose base is made by our two eyes.
Dominant color:
Indigo (violet blue).

Its interior.
Its corresponding meaning:
The sixth chakra is correlated with all the senses as well as the extra-sensory perception.
Bodies associated with it:
The cerebellum, nose, sinuses, the optical system, the auditory system, face and sense of balance.
The center is attached to all our senses as well as extra sensory perception: intuition be exhibited by internal perceptions of our senses. It is our central control post. It is the chakra of vision. It is the seat of intelligence, memory, capacity for analysis and synthesis of organic sensory perceptions and emotional, imagination, ideas, creativity, commitment, rationalism. The third eye is the center of awareness spiritual, material, intellectual and physical. He is the guarantor of our own evolution at all levels and can bring great changes in our lives. It is through regular introspective work that can open the third eye, opening oneself to the conscience and wisdom.
Problems associated with this chakra:
Overcollateralisation trends in excessive intellectualization of any thing; in contrast, trends in mysticism and irrationality with too pronounced, in both cases, a rejection of the unconscious body of material things and pleasure. Intellectual superiority complex, contempt for others, arrogance. Rejection of everyday life, property, inability to have normal social relations, trends in the field of spirituality, sure to hold the Truth, inability to doubt. The rebalancing will be a work in the sex chakra and solar plexus.
Blockages, knots: the inability to intellectualization, lack of crops, namely, science, lack of curiosity. Rejection of spirituality, rational mind to excess, extreme attachment to material things and pleasures physical. Lack of intuition and extra-sensory perceptions. Inferiority complex, sheep behavior in society, adherence to the utterances, prejudice, lack of personality, critical thinking, character and free will. In all cases, it is necessary to work on the third eye and often on the three lower chakras.
Stones useful for this chakra: amethyst
Violet blue stones for Intuition: apatite blue azurite, dumortiérite, labrador, lapis lazuli, Lazurite, sodalite, tanzanite. Violet stones for extra-sensory perception, wisdom: amethyst, charoïte, purple fluorite.

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