


SERAPHINITE (clinochlore): aluminosilicate of iron and magnesium phyllosilicate family chlorites (triclinic or monoclinic, primary).
Pierre New Age spiritual angelic vibration of a very high. Excellent stone for extracorporeal travel, meditation, therapy. This variety of clinochlore was named "séraphinite" because it connects us to the angelic realms or if you prefer to Beings of Light. Family chlorite is a very powerful healing stone. It captures the healing energies of the higher plans for vehicles to be holistic in our (that is to say, on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). It amplifies the healing properties of stones. It acts on each of our cells. Changes in major vibration and dimensional current séraphinite the stone has a place of healing first.
It is connected to the "new energy".
It is on the heart chakra opens us up to new energies of love and compassion are essential to our well-being. Wear the pendant, always see if necessary.
Remember, every 2 or 3 days to go under water to purify it and then recharging.
It is a stone of extreme softness, fluffy to the touch-in raw-(it looks like the wings of an angel, or at least this is how people imagine!)
These beautiful silvery take us very far in meditation, while protecting us during astral travel. It is very soothing and it's a joy to wear on you. In the angelic hierarchy (tree sephirotic or Tree of Life of the Kabbalah), the Seraphim are the closest to the Creator. They have the highest vibration of creation and Archangel Metatron is their. These are the angels of the four elements described by St. John in the Apocalypse. The séraphinite connects us to the green ray of healing and abundance, with the Archangel Raphael (means "God heals").
(Chakra favorite: third eye)
The séraphinite also loosens blockages in the neck of nervous origin.